Terms and Conditions

  1. MishterKirby has the right to decline commission requests..
  2. Commissions are non-refundable.
  3. Commissions are not to be used for commercial purposes unless it authorized by MishterKirby (a commercial use fee may apply).
  4. Commissions can be used in my portfolio, posted on my social media, or created on stream. Please specify if you are not OK with me streaming your commission.
  5. Full Render: Must be paid fully in advance before work is started. A sketch will be sent to the commissioner for a single revision. Minor revisions are free, major revisions will be charged.
  6. Rough sketch: Must be made in full. No free revisions.
  7. By commissioning me, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Will draw:

  • Fanart
  • OCs
  • Suggestive/lewd content
  • Kemonomimi

Will not draw:

  • Furries
  • Realistic portraits
  • Mechas
  • Imitations of a style/anything not in my style
  • Anything I find offensive or makes me uncomfortable

Ready to commission me? Click here